Special Events

Sacred Solutions Retreat in Maui, HI March 14-17, 2013

Dancers make a difference through their prayers and movement on the dance floor where we practice presence as a step towards making a difference in the world. Like our motion on the dance floor our purpose on this planet is also unique to each of us. Take the time to build the clarity, confidence and viability to put your unique Sacred Solution into movement in your life.

What is your service or purpose on this planet? How can you clarify, validate, and articulate how you want to contribute, in such a way that it manifests prosperity for you and provides value to those who are attracted to your Sacred Solution? Essence results from differentiating between what is truly necessary and what is superfluous. My experience is that when we don't commit, or we try to do too many things for too many people, we are operating from a place of lack (of focus) or fear. Take the time to really see who you are, love who you are, clarify what you have to offer, and commit to a bigger Vision of yourself and your contribution, services, or products on this planet. Attract the right people/ receive your desired results..

For more information contact Caryn at spiritualcairn@hotmail.com or 206.200.7980.